CapeLUG was invited to join zaLUG at Brick Fair on 27-28 October 2018. Brick Fair is the largest LEGO® exhibition in South Africa, held at the Grove Mall in Pretoria by Toy Adventures.

The exhibition was open to all and displaying there was CapeLUG, zaLUG, jhbLUG, SAFOLs and lots of general members of the public. Barry Kay, Scott Chapman and Madeleine Carlsson went up to represent CapeLUG.

What an experience!!

Three hundred tables full of LEGO®, containing build sets and MOCs (My Own Creation). The creativity that could be seen in these builds was amazing. Especially sets and MOCs build by kids.

People could find LEGO® from all the ages on display from everyone’s favourite classic space to the latest and greatest sets you can get in store today.

All the people who displayed were extremely friendly and accommodating to one another. All sharing the same passion and love for the LEGO® brand. Toy Adventures staff, especially the owner and event organiser, Soretha Korf, were amazing and helped with anything they could.

This was certainly an amazing experience to be part of and also for people to come and see, young and old. Pictures are great, but don’t do justice as actually being there. I will definitely try to make it again in the years to come.
